There's a lot of variation between brew method, equipment, water quality, and other factors that go into making the perfect cup of coffee. On this page you'll find general guides as well as a few recipes for our coffees that are working well for us.

Brew Guides

How to brew rocket coffee company coffee at home

Pour Over
General Guide to Pour Overs

Water to Coffee Ratio

Aim for a ratio between 1:14 and 1:20, meaning you'll use 14 to 20 grams of water for every gram of coffee. If you enjoy a bold, intense flavor, start closer to 1:14. For a milder brew, 1:20 might suit your taste better. We suggest beginning somewhere in the middle and fine-tuning it based on your taste experience. When using flat-bottom or conical brewers such as the Kalita Wave or Hario V60, kicking off with a 1:17 ratio is a great starting point.

A recipe we like to start at is 17 grams of coffee yielding a 300g cup.

0:00 - Bloom - 50g
0:30 - Center Pour - 120g
1:15 - Pulse Pour - 190g
2:00 - Pulse Pour - 220g
2:45 - Pulse Pour - 300g
Drain 3:30

Step 1: Heat your water to the right temperature

Our coffees all brew best between 195 and 207 F. We reccomend starting at 205 and adjusting up and down a bit to find the taste you enjoy the most.

Step 2: Coffee Grind

We always recommend grinding fresh, whole beans, right before you brew. Your grind setting for a pour over might be categorized as a medium or medium fine grind. For pour-over coffee, a medium to medium-fine grind size is generally recommended. This type of grind allows for a controlled, yet steady water flow through the grounds, optimizing flavor extraction, and balancing acidity and bitterness levels. The ideal pour-over grind should be finer than coarse sea salt and slightly more coarse than table salt.

Step 3: Brew

Start with a Bloom

Blooming your coffee is super important. This releases the gasses from the coffee that are trapped inside from the roasting process. To bloom your coffee, add double the water of coffee and let the ground saturate for 30 seconds.


After the bloom, you will brew in 4 to 5 equal pours. Here is a typical recipe

0:00 - Bloom - 50g
0:30 - Center Pour - 120g
1:15 - Pulse Pour - 180g
2:00 - Pulse Pour - 220g
2:45 - Pulse Pour - 300g
Drain 3:30

Brew Time

Brew time should typically fall between 3 and 4 minutes. If your brew is landing outside these parameters, then this is your sign to adjust your grind.

Pouring faster than 3 minutes? Grind more fine.

Pouring slower than 4 minutes? Grind a bit more course.

NACE Micromill Costa Rica

Here's a recipe for our NACE Micromill that yields a great cup.

Dose: 18g

Water: 324g

Water Temp: 205

0:00 - Bloom - 50g
0:30 - Center Pour - 120g
1:15 - Pulse Pour - 180g
2:00 - Pulse Pour - 220g
2:45 - Pulse Pour - 323g
Drain 3:30

General Guide to Espresso

Pulling a great tasting shot of espresso is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying ways to enjoy coffee. There isn't one recipe to yield the best tasting espresso. Some roasts taste great pulled short and slow, some taste great pulled longer and faster. Here's a common recipe used for our Rocket Espresso Blend that yields an amazing shot that is balanced and drinks well as a espresso, or mixes great for a cappucino or latte.

Step 1: Grind & Dose

Finely grind and dose 18 grams of coffee into your portafilter

Step 2: Distribute & tamp

If you have a distribution tool, then use that to evenly distribute the grinds in the portafilter. If you don't, doing your best to avoid creating clumps or piles, level off the grounds. Then, tamp your coffee using about 40 pounds of pressure, evenly, being sure to press straight down. Tip: if you're not sure what 40 pounds of pressure is, you can place your portafilter on a general bathroom scale and press on it until you see 40lbs. Use that as a reference point for your future tamping pressure.

Step 3: Pull the shot

Lock the portafilter into the grouphead . Place your cup and scale under the portafilter and initiate the pour. First flow should take place about 7 seconds after initiation and should be a nice dark, dense, thick consistency. Continue to allow water to flow through the shot until you have reached your final yield, or your desired time.

If you reached your yield way faster than 27 seconds, consider decreasing your grind or increasing your dose.

If you reached your field way after 27 seconds, consider grinding more course or decreasing your dose.

General Espresso Shot Recipe

Dose: 18 grams

Yield: 36 grams liquid in cup

Time: 25-27 seconds

Rocket Espresso Blend Espresso Recipe

Heres a recipe that works great for our Rocket Espresso Blend. This yields an amazing shot that is balanced and drinks well as an espresso, or mixes great for a cappuccino or latte.

Dose: 18 grams

Yield: 36 grams liquid in cup

Time: 25-27 seconds